This was a very busy month for Easton. This month Easton cut his two bottom teeth. I'm sure the top two teeth will be here before we know it. A few days after he turned 5 months, Easton rolled over for the first time with purpose and intention. He has been doing it ever since! I knew I was in trouble when, just the other day, he rolled across the room.
Easton has also been enjoying all sorts of different foods like avocado, frozen mango, roasted carrots, and sweet potatoes. But his favorite, without question, is watermelon. Easton goes to town on it!
This little guy loves exploring and tasting toys.
So, this whole mango thing seems overrated guys.
ooooh, much tastier on this side! And it feels good on my gums!
Just enjoying some light reading about jungle animals
I am certain that Easton understands the sign for up. Every time I do the sign he gets really excited. So either he understands or I look completely goofy when I do it.
Easton also learned how to pucker up and make little kissing lip smacking sounds.
Starting this month, he gets very upset when I try to lay him down for a solo nap. No matter how soundly he seems to be sleeping, he wakes up heartbroken when I lay him down. He also gets sad when I leave the room. On one level, this is totally sweet and adorable. When I come back he flashes me giant smiles. But, on the other hand, it makes it a little difficult to get anything done. Luckily, he will hang out in his bouncer or on the floor with his activity mat, but he mostly is right next to Mama in the carrier.
He will sleep for hours in the carrier, jumps like nobody's business in his jumparoo, and is starting to be easily distracted. This comes in handy when Easton is feeling fussy, but not so much when he is trying to nurse. Easton watches in wonder and amazement when we brush our teeth. He thinks it's the weirdest thing ever.
He had his first rides in the baby swing this month, attended his first outdoor movie (and slept most of the time) and even checked out the snakes, lizards, turtles, and spiders at the Vivarium in Berkeley.
We are so lucky to have such a happy, darling, and easy going little guy. I can't believe how big he is now. He wants to touch everything, wants to eat everything, and can even sit up by himself for just a few seconds before he topples over.
We love you, sweet Easton Michael, and are so happy you joined our little family!