Monday, May 12, 2008

Busy Weekend

Friday night Lane, Sean & Matt went out for boys night to see Iron Man, while us ladies decided to go have dinner and then meet them back at the apartment. Hanging out with just the girls was so fun! We gabbed and gabbed for hours. So long, in fact, that when we finally checked our phones we realized that we all had multiple missed calls and the movie was way over. whoops. We are looking forward to more summer movie extravaganzas especially Sex & the City!!!

I am a new fan of the breakfast fritatta. I tried my hand at another one this Saturday. I sauteed onions, garlic, and jalapeƱo, added some zucchini and yellow bell pepper, followed by some halved grape tomatoes. I added the eggs, covered the top with chopped cilantro and mexican cheese, and then popped it in the oven until it got all fluffy and delicious. I had some last minute inspiration and put together some cilantro, fresh avocado, fresh mango, honeydew melon and lime juice with salt for a topping for my fritatta. Add some roasted red potatoes with garlic and rosemary and Lane's signature weekend smoothie and we were good to go!! As if that weren't a fabulous enough way to start the weekend, Lane sent me off for a pregnancy massage right after breakfast for my first Mother's Day. Now I had plans to clean house all day on Saturday, but seriously, who wants to clean house after coming back from a refreshing and relaxing massage??!? Not me.

Saturday night we enjoyed a lovely evening with our friends Laura & John. It was Laura's birthday and they hosted a fabulous party complete with REAL mexican tacos, lots of tasty drinks, delicious dessert, and of course, wonderful conversation and friends. We were really inspired also, because some friends of theirs came with their SIX WEEK old baby. It was so refreshing to see them out with their friends, and their darling little guy slept the whole time! There is hope for us :) We took advantage of our ability to stay out and didn't get home until pretty late that night.

We got most of our cleaning done yesterday. Lane was super man and scrubbed all the floors and actually did most of the cleaning. I just get soooo tired so easily, and can't really move around that great. He's been asking me to make clam chowder so we finally did over the weekend. It was a total hit.

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