Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bath Time!

"hmm, this pinky is kind of tasty!"
"I'm a good eater; just take a look at that belly!"

Gabriela really enjoys her bath time. This is her second non-sponge bath. I'm just going to have to pretend it's her first since I forgot to get out the camera the first time.

As I was getting everything ready, Gabriela started crying and I sighed and resigned myself to the fact that bath time would not be so pleasant. But the instant I put her into her tub, she calmed down, started looking all around, and really seemed to enjoy being in the water. phew!


Anonymous said...

i wonder what it is about bathtime? it seems to be a fave of the young and old alike :)

Crawfords said...

she is such a little doll! i love that belly, and those long fingers and toes, just like my little guy! i can't wait to see if she beats Aidan's weight gain records...we'll have to compare!