Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gabriela is TWO months old!

Today Gabriela is two months old. She is such a little sweetheart. She's been smiling for the last month, and just while we were in California, she really started oohing and ahhing. Every morning she wakes up as her happy little self and we spend some time "talking" to each other. I talk, but she coos and smiles and even squeals when she gets really excited.
Gabriela is growing so much. We don't know how much she weighs just yet, but she's got to be at least 12 pounds, maybe more. Her 2 month well baby visit is on Monday, so we'll report back then. She's very strong too - always holding her little head up and trying to put weight on her legs.

Lane downloaded a ton of poetry in all different languages for Gabriela to listen to. It actually calms her down when she's a little fussy. And, she's hearing all the phonemes of different languages. After babies get past a certain point, they can't distinguish phonemes from languages other than their own. So Gabriela listens to a ton of different languages including (but not limited to) Portuguese, Spanish, French, Romanian, Croatian, Russian, Greek and Italian.

Gabriela continues to roll over once in a while, but not on a regular basis. Each time, it's still challenging for her and she fusses a little as she gets over. But, boy is she determined! The funny part is that she doesn't even like being on her tummy. So she does all this work to get over, and then is upset when she gets there.

Gabriela is enjoying longer periods of awake time during the day. She's a good little sleeper, sometimes going 4 or 5 hours without waking up to eat. We are really enjoying our bedroom set up with the co-sleeper right by the bed. When she wakes up, she just starts squirming a little bit. I reach over to get her and feed her before she wakes up all the way (and before I do as well), and she falls right back to sleep when she's done eating. Lane doesn't wake up, there's no baby crying, and I don't really even know how many times she's getting up because neither of us is really that awake.

I'm starting to realize that it's going to be time for me to go back to work before long. It will be so strange not spending every moment with our little girl. I've got to enjoy this special time we have together before I go back (November 3rd).

1 comment:

Patrick and Crystal said...

That's a really cool idea to have Gabriela listen to a bunch of different languages. We try to use the ones we know with Kaiya (Japanese, Spanish, and a little french), but I've never thought of downloading something for her to listen to. Oh, and Gabriela is SUCH a cutie!!!