Monday, December 15, 2008

Go Away, Germs!

Seriously, I am SOOOOO done being sick already. I haven't been feeling well since last Saturday. Gabriela has been feeling bad too. We went to the doctor on Thursday since she was having trouble nursing and sleeping because of her yucky nose. She has a little respiratory virus, had a nebulizer treatment at the doctor and received a prescription for an inhaler (and a little tube with a mask contraption so she can take it). Thank you, insurance for covering the inhaler, screw you, insurance for not covering the device that enables her to actually take the medicine.

I must have gotten her virus because I'm all wheezy now and, for the grand finale, on Saturday night I got PINK EYE. Pink eye is so nasty. But by this morning, my eye looks completely normal. I, of course, was freaked out that Gabriela got it, so I took her to the pediatrician this morning. Twice in one week. Two and a half hours later, we determined that she does not have pink eye, but they gave her a prescription just in case it sneaks up on her. They don't hear any more wheezing in her chest, so at least she's getting better, and (thank goodness) she's okay to go to daycare.

I then spent an hour at the doctor for myself, got two prescriptions, confirmed they are safe to take if you are breastfeeding and am eagerly waiting for their magic to kick in.

I'm also glad I can go to work tomorrow. Having to stay home sucks, from a financial perspective, because I used up all my time off while on maternity leave (and very happy that I did that), but I also have to pay for daycare, even when Gabriela misses a day, so it's losing money times two. boo for that.

I've been washing my hands like a crazy woman and they are all dry and red and cracked as evidence. Lane made me drop some breast milk in my eye. I expressed some, then used a dropper and gave all three of us this hippie treatment. I thought it was a little crazy, but then I looked online to find this: Maybe that's why my eye looks totally normal, and why Gabriela doesn't have any gross green looking crap in her eye anymore. Still, we both have eye drop prescriptions, just in case.

We missed a little reunion with our childbirth class participants and their babies since we were all infected. Cross your fingers that we will be better soon - we want to go check out xmas lights on Wednesday night and Lane and I are supposed to go out on the town on a date for his work's Christmas party on Thursday.


morethangray said...

fingers crossed! i'm glad the breast milk worked. that stuff truly is liquid gold. i've heard stories of it clearing pink eye (both baby and mommy) and those horrible ear infections babies get all too frequently.

banananutmeg said...

it worked for clogged tear ducts on both of my kids, too! Magical stuff. Well, anything that can boobs bigger is magical, if you ask me.

hope you are feeling better soon!