Friday, July 17, 2009

What's Cookin', Gabriela???

Gabriela got a ton of birthday packages today including a new kitchen!! I don't know who was more excited, Mommy or Gabriela! Gabriela got right to work stirring and tasting and opening and closing things. It's just perfect for her!Auntie Theresa got her the cutest set of pink pots and pans and utensils as well as a fancy tea set. As you can see, Gabriela loves these too.

Am I a total cheater for letting her open her packages a couple days early?!?! We were just so excited! She doesn't know about the whole b-day thing. Next year she can open them up all at once. Okay fine, I guess I am admitting it. I am a total cheater. But we had so much fun last night!!!

Thank you, everyone!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! We are so glad you like your new kitchen. Mina assured us you would. Now you can help mommy make delicious food without getting in the way too much.
We love all the pics.

And it's not cheating to open the gifts a few days early. Little girls have a short attention span. This way she can appreciate everything.