Friday, September 18, 2009

Videos of Gabriela

She's learning so fast now. Watch her identify her body parts.

Trying to feed Grover some breakfast.

Gabriela was being silly at the dinner table. I don't know where she gets it???

Dance, baby, dance!

Within the last few weeks, Gabriela has learned to say "Bravo!" That's what they say at daycare when they clap their hands instead of "yay". It was the sweetest thing when we first realized it. Now, if Gabriela does something she is proud of, or if we sing her a song, she'll clap and say Bravo. I admit it, sometimes it hurts if I finish a song and she doesn't applaud my amazing singing abilities.


Malia said...

She is so cute and so SMART!!!

Unknown said...

I love the dancing Mina and I were cracking up.

The Sylvester Crew said...

That is one SMART kid!!!! She's amazing. I'm telling you. . .don't worry about having another and the cost of daycare. Gabriela has shown she knows how to feed Grover. . .I'm sure she'd take care of a sis or bro too!