Thursday, November 19, 2009

Boston Children's Museum

Auntie Cynthia had the fabulous idea of taking us to the Boston Children's Museum. We all had a blast!

Gabriela and I played chess.

She sat in Bobcat in the Construction Zone
This is a little weird, guys.

crawling through the tunnel
Taking Daddy for a car ride

Playing a Haitian drum

There were several slides at the museum. Gabriela found them all.
And rode down them many, many times

Bubble time!

Gabriela played ball and even shot some hoops with her Auntie.

Not only this, the museum had an entire real Japanese house on display for us to walk through. There were some giant screens in another section that responded to shadows. One had butterflies flying around that would land on your shadow. Gabriela played in the store area, where she was able to "buy" lots of pretend produce and groceries. We went to a special play area that had cars to drive, houses to play in, books to read, blocks to stack, and more. We also visited a tree exhibit that had a treehouse playground, and some musical chairs that played different beats and sounds when you sat in them. There was so much more! We took a lunch/nap break and went back until they closed. Such a fun place! Thank you, Auntie Cynthia for thinking of the perfect way to spend our day!

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