Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Alameda County Fair

We have been up to all sorts of fun this week.  Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to bring our camera.  The library has weekly performances this summer.  This week we saw the Bubble Lady and all her bubble magic.  We also went to Lake Temescal and hopped around in the water and sand and munched on watermelon. Lucky for us, I remembered to bring my camera for our Friday adventures.  
On Friday we went to the Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton.  Ooh, wee, was it hot!  We saw a mama pig with her two week old babies as well as a mama cow and her little calf.  When she saw them, Gabriela said, "I wanna pet them".  Of course we couldn't, but thank goodness we were able to go to the petting zoo.
Gabriela totally got a kick out of all the animals at the petting zoo - there were goats, mini goats, deer, sheep, and even a pot belly pig!  Gabriela was chasing after the animals with her food trying to get them to eat.  Little did she know that the lovely deer pictured here decided to take a giant mouthful of the back of her shirt.  We had to remove her slobbery shirt out of the deer's mouth.  Gabriela is still talking about it, "Deer eat my shirt!  I wannit back!"
Gravitron!!! Oh, how we loved this ride when we were young.  Chaney thought it was so cool!
Isn't Chaney so cute?!?  He is obviously having the time of his life on the rides with his buddy, Kyle.  Gabriela pointed to all the roller coasters and super spinning crazy carnival rides saying, "I wanna ride that one!" We went to the children's rides and then she said she wanted to ride a strawberry (like at Gilroy Gardens). Lucky for Gabriela, they had a spinning strawberry ride.  Thanks for coming with us, Beau! That was fun!
We had to take a break from the rides to enjoy some delicious ice cream. Gabriela is quite the fan of ice cream. And so are the boys!
Check out Beau on this big swing ride!!! He had such a great time that Chaney decided to try it out as well.
 Looks like Chaney gives it a thumbs up too!


heather said...

Love your new header. You guys all look so tan and pretty! Keep having great weekends like this!

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said... guys are seriously having a great summer! So many fun things!