Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hollister for the Day

Last Saturday Lane went up to Sacramento to help his sister move into her new house. Since he was going to be gone all day, I had the great idea to invite myself over to my brother Tim's house in Hollister for the day. Then I told my sister I was coming. Then I suggested that my other brother and parents come over too.  Yeah, I'm the best.  Actually it's Tim who is the best. He said there was nothing more he liked than having his family at his home.  He was glad to host us all.  Thank goodness.  
I was so proud of myself that morning.  I had us packed, fed, everyone went potty, and we timed it perfectly to be out the door at Easton's nap time.  We were loaded up and on the road before 9am!  We drove straight there without stopping!  Yay, us!!

The day started with some special cousin time. 
 We checked out the new chickens
 Nana had some special time with her two newest grandsons, and it was a beautiful day.
 Easton got to meet Uncle Matthew finally. 
 The kids dug in the mud, found worms, chased each other, played family and ran around while I helped Kristie hang a ton of laundry on the clothesline. I got the kids to help pick up all the oranges that had fallen off the tree.

My mom came over with tacos for the kids, enchiladas for the grown ups, rice, corn relish, hot chile sauce, mexican cheese for garnish, and jello and brownies. Wow, it was delicious.  And later that afternoon, Kristie grilled pizzas for us.  No Clower get together is complete without tons of food, and that's okay with me.
 Easton was excited to see that he and Papa had the same hairdo.
 Nana also brought a new handmade twirly dress for Gabriela. She and Mina were matchies. Caetlin has a matching dress too, but couldn't be convinced to put hers on.  Andrew came over and, I couldn't believe it, but there were six kids there!  And they had a blast.
We were happy to see Auntie Theresa too, even if just for a short time. 
I was so glad we drove down for some family time.  The drive back up was breezy too. Both kids passed out as soon as we got on the freeway.  Thanks kiddos.

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