Monday, November 12, 2012

Easton's Birthday Party

So for Easton's first birthday, I thought we would have a simple party. Just family, cupcakes, and fun. Sounds easy, right? 

Well, just family in my family means Nana, Papa, Uncle Matthew, Auntie Theresa, cousin Andrew, Bobby, Uncle Tim, Auntie Kristie, cousins Mina, Caetlin and Wes, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Nate, Auntie Liss, Chaney, Beau, Uncle Noal, Auntie Elizabeth, Auntie Ann and cousin Nolan.   
(can you believe we were missing 5 cousins, 3 aunties and 3 uncles?) 
And, we also invited a couple of Easton's little buddies.

I decided to make Easton a birthday crown and some birthday banners.  Only I ran out of time. Thank goodness for my amazing sister, Theresa. She came the night before for sister/auntie fun and also helped finish the banner I started sewing.  I also brought out the "Welcome Easton" banner that Gabriela made and brought to the hospital when she met Easton for the first time.
 I wanted to make sure Easton was actually awake for his party, so it ended up being at lunch time.  I had a hard time deciding what to feed so many people and decided on carnitas burritos.  It was funny because I didn't even realize until after the party that I had made a big pot of carnitas on the day I went into labor with Easton. How fitting.  And delicious. It was a hit.  Here is the table after everyone had a go at it.
 Our little present table (watched over by Frida and Don Quijote)
 Auntie Ann and Nolan came all the way from Sacramento to join in the birthday fun!
 This little decoration was my favorite and totally last minute, I hadn't even planned on it.  I made a banner of 4x6 photos for every one of Easton's 12 months. But then I had some extra photos made up from my Instagram pics and got wallet sizes.  I thought, why not make him a mini-banner too.  I even had these darling little clothespins to use.  So, I did.The best part was that since I had like 100 wallet sized photos, everyone was able to go through them and take several home each. 
 The kids played so hard and ran around like crazy in our tiny little home.  We rallied them for cupcake time.  Look how excited Easton is!

 He delicately tasted his chocolate whipped cream frosting and decided it was 
time to change his cupcake eating approach
 Yep, this is pretty tasty.
I'm going in!

 Um, isn't that the sweetest thing ever??? Look at Easton's face while he is getting a big sister kiss.

 These two.

Woo Hoo!! I love birthday cake!  Happy Birthday to me!
 Easton needed some milk to go with his cupcake.
 And then he passed out, like any chocolate cupcake eating almost one year old should.
 This little sweetheart took a nice long nap and then woke up for some present opening.
 Heather made him this sweet owl hat.  And I can hardly stand Easton's dimple in this picture.  Cuteness overload.
 Our dear friends' parents sent us this super darling handmade PIRATE Raggedy Andy for Easton.  He even has a tattoo!  And another outfit that transforms him into a chef.  We are so lucky to have people in our lives that love our children so much and shower us with such lovely handmade goodness.
 Easton rocked out on his new drum too.
How wonderful to live so close to much of our family so they can watch our children as they grow and celebrate these milestones along with us. We are so grateful for this.

Thanks to everyone for all their wonderful support throughout the year and also for helping make Easton's party a success.  We love our little guy to pieces.

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