Thursday, June 6, 2013


So last month we went to San Mateo to check out this place called CuriOdyssey, recommended to us by one of Lane's coworkers.  We knew it was going to be cool when we passed this playground on our way to the park.  I mean, how could we not stop to check it out???
 Super duper giant fancy slide
 Gabriela was, obviously, a fan.
 Easton was begging to go down the slide too. How could I deny my little daredevil this experience?  So we went down the slide together... several times.  He was a fan too.

We got half priced admission because we have a membership at the Oakland Zoo. Gabriela saw some cool things in microscopes, made wildflower seed bombs, and put together a nature journal.  Easton loved the wind tunnel.
Then we saw the falcons and other cool birds really up close. 
This is a view I never see.  Yeah, I wonder where Gabriela got that profile from.
Golden Eagles are no joke, people.  Those birds are HUGE!!!
We also saw this giant turkey vulture.  Gabriela will tell you, without hesitation, that when turkey vultures are in danger, they vomit in order to gross out their predators and also to make themselves lighter so it's easier to escape.
She was excited to see the owls up close, especially after reading Harry Potter.

This is a peregrine falcon. Gabriela will also tell you that it is the fastest animal in the world.  It was such an interesting experience to see these birds up so close.  They also have coyotes, bobcats, beavers, river otters, and lots of other animals there.  All of the animals at CuriOdyssey are there because they have had some sort of injury and they are being cared for until they recover, or indefinitely because they can no longer survive in the wild. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks so fun!