Sunday, July 19, 2015

My birthday ER visit

First, I'd like to congratulate myself for staying updated with this blog so far this summer. I totally fell off the blogging bandwagon after Simone died. I have had a lot going on the last year, and have basically been in survival mode. 

But this blog has been a history for our family. It helps us remember things we otherwise would have forgotten, the kids adore when I read entries, and I love going back and reading details about my babies, all the way back to my pregnancies with them and their precious births. So, I've been trying to make a real effort to record our story here. For us. 

And so begins the eighth week of summer fun. It all started with me waking up at midnight on my birthday. I woke up because my eye was in such excruciating pain that I couldn't sleep. Around 2 that afternoon, Easton pointed to me and said enthusiastically, "I love YOU!!!" It was sweet and cute, except he poked me very hard in the eye.  I just covered my eye and breathed deeply for a while, keeping my eyes shut. I quickly felt Easton's little arms around me and heard his sweet voice telling me, "mama, I'm sowwy, are you okay???"

Hours later, it still felt like I had sand and grit underneath my eyelid, rubbing across my eye. It was red and constantly tearing up. I couldn't stand it. I am not exaggerating when I say that the only thing more painful than this has been childbirth. And even the pain of childbirth never made me cry. I also was feeling sorry for myself about the possibility of spending the night in the ER on my birthday, worried about whether or not I'd get back in time to prep for Gabriela's party, what if I missed it?!

I called my brother, Matthew, who came immediately from oakland to take me to the hospital. It only took four hours for them to tell me what I already suspected. That my cornea was scratched and that I needed prescription eye drops. 

Unfortunately, I was in tears and just as much pain when I returned home as when I left to go to the hospital. They gave me my antibiotic drops at the hospital, but just a prescription for the pain relief drops so we had to wait until 9am to get them. I could not even open my eye. 

I got a few hours rest in the early morning, got my pain relief drops, and took some Tylenol so I could finish cleaning house, and getting ready for G's party. 

Lane got me an eye patch to help me keep my eye shut all day. It was really helpful. I decided I would be Mad Eye Mommy instead of Mad Eye Moody for Gabriela's Harry Potter party. 

Everything went splendidly and then, after our last guests left, I crawled into bed, while Lane took care of our kids, he served me dinner in bed and I stayed there for 14 hours. Hey, I had two nights of sleep to catch up on!  

It was kind of a sucky way to start my birthday. I mean, when some of the first people to wish you happy birthday are the triage nurses, it's a little disappointing. But I'm grateful that my brother was able to help me out and keep me company. I'm grateful this happened to me, and not my kids. They would have been in hysterics. I'm grateful that we were still able to give Gabriela to party she and I had been planning for a while now. And, I am okay.  I had visions for a moment of not being able to see our new baby or homeschool our children anymore because of my ruined vision. 

So watch out everyone, and keep your children's fingernails far, far away from your eyeballs. And if they get you, make sure you have some awesome people to take care of you because that makes all the difference. 

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