Thursday, January 21, 2016


Auntie Cynthia helped get our new year off to a good start by asking us if we wanted to go on a ladybug hike. We had been wanting to do this for weeks and this was our last dry day in the forecast, so we hopped on it. 

I told Cynthia where the ladybug viewing was supposed to happen and we joked for a good solid hour before I asked about the trails. Cynthia had misread the trail names and we turned back to find those little guys. 

Once we got to the right spot, we saw them everywhere! The kids had so much fun spotting ladybugs, and us grownups were pretty amazed as well. 

They were on the ground. 
On sticks and tree stumps and hiding in every little crevice imaginable. 
The kids were caught stuffing ladybugs into the zipper pockets of Easton's coat 
But mama, they're our children
A couple days later, we found their son, Charlie flying around inside out house poor Charlie. 

It felt so invigorating to be on such a long and difficult hike (before we backtracked to the ladybugs). The kids took turns walking Sam and it just felt so good to be outside, even if it was super chilly. 

Since we were right around the corner. We stopped at Nate and Meliss's house for a short visit, some gift exchanging. Lego building, dolly making, cousin wrestling fun. 

Easton excitedly told Beau, "and guess what?! Santa bringed me presents even though I punched my sister!!!!"

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