Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yesterday Gabriela asked for something in particular for dinner for the first time ever.  What did she want?  PIZZA.  And she asked for it over and over and over again.  I promised her I would make her a little pizza, so then she started asking endlessly for a "little pizza".  Lucky for me, she was happy with some toast, pizza sauce, and cheese all cooked up cos I didn't have it in me to make dough last night.

After dinner, Gabriela announced it was NAKED TIME and that she wanted a bath.

When I was trying to put her to sleep, Lane came downstairs and Gabriela said, "I still awake. Mommy sleeping!" I had to set a good example for what she should have been doing. But why'd she have to rat me out like that??

I love that her little personality is coming out even more as her language takes off!


heather said...

She's so cute! Pizza does sound really good :)

Hope you guys have a wonderful 4th of July!

Theresa said...

That is funny. I know all about that. I used to be afraid that I would fall asleep before Andrew and he would run around and do everything that he knew he shouldn't. I don't think it ever happened, but I did fall asleep before him many times.