Friday, March 9, 2012

Gabriela's School

Gabriela goes to preschool Tuesday and Thursday mornings. She really loves going to class, doing her projects, and playing with all her friends that she's made there.  I can't believe what a big girl she is now. 

The parents are supposed to volunteer to come in once per session and bring snack. When I realized they had school on Valentine's Day, I jumped on the chance to volunteer that day.  

What Gabriela was looking forward to most about me coming and having her special day at school was being the line leader!  This is, apparently, a huge deal for 3 year olds! Gabriela has been talking for weeks about when she might get to be the line leader.  She also got to choose the songs the kids sang at circle time, pick the toys for playtime, and help prep the snack we brought.
 She was so proud, and quiet about being the line leader.  Gabriela picked the Slippery Fish song and The Wheels on the Bus.  When Gabriela told her class my name, the teacher mispronounced it and told all the students to say good morning to "Ah-lay-na". Gabriela got pretty upset and told Miss Dana what's up. "No! Her name isn't Ah-lay-na, it's Eh-LEH-nah!!!!!" Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was my favorite part.
 My little line leader
 We brought strawberry lemonade because everybody needs a pink drink on Valentines Day.  We cut cream cheese and raspberry jam sandwiches into heart shapes, as well as strawberry hearts. Gabriela and I even put little valentine stickers on the paper towel place mats. We had so much fun together planning and making our snacks.
Speaking of Valentines Day, we made the cutest cards to send family and friends. G started on hers in January and I helped Easton with his while we were in the hospital.  I wish I had thought to snap pics of them before we sent them out. Gabriela was so cute. She packed all her valentines in a bag, walked to the mailbox and dropped them off for delivery. 

1 comment:

Sara B. said...

What a great kid!

We LOVED those little Valentines. I'll get you a picture.