Sunday, March 31, 2013

More Santa Barbara Fun

I will finish posting about our visit, even if it is nearly a month later. 
So, Claire and Beau were giggling in the kitchen making some blondie brownies.  We asked if they were doubling the recipe - they sneakily answered yes.  But as the process unfolded, and there was too much batter to fit into their gigantic KitchenAid mixer, we soon learned that while they had in fact double the recipe, they may have actually doubled the double recipe.  It's still not clear whether or not Claire and Beau made a quadruple recipe or more - but one thing is for sure, there were a LOT of brownies. And they were delicious!
Some may or may not have been consumed for breakfast the next day.
Remember Tommy the Blue Jay?  Well Gabriela has always been a fan, and now it is safe to say that Easton is too.  He quickly learned right where the peanut drawer was, helped himself, and signed "more" so he could feed the birdie more.  Easton was so brave and Tommy actually took a peanut right out of Easton's hand.

The mamas got out for some kid free time on several occasions that weekend. Once, we went up to a quilting store where I bought the cutest, cutest fabric. Right now, I have no idea what project I will make with it, but I just couldn't pass it up. We also went thrifting another day. I scored big time in the kids' books department and even got myself some clothes too!

We had a bbq with the Hortons, dear friends of Ian and Adie.  Their boys are such sweethearts, it's no wonder Gabriela loves them all. Easton had a great time with them too.

Since Ian cranked up the heat in the pool, the kids were sure to make use of it every single day of our visit.  Gabriela was so brave, swimming (with her life vest) around the entire pool, and even jumping in.  I think it's so cute how she just plugs her nose like that.

Hanging out with the big girls!
We had such a fun cousin trip. As usual, we hardly saw Gabriela for the entire weekend because she was too busy playing with her cousins and being a big girl.  Easton was so easy going, and they both were excellent travelers on the drives up and down. 

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