Thursday, September 12, 2013

22 months

Easton Michael is now 22 months old. Two months away from being a two year old!  This little guy just oozes sweetness.

I know I said it last month, but Easton's language skills have totally blown me away (again) this month, even more so than last month. When I call him to me, he comes running saying, "yes, Mommy!"  When he receives something he requested, he always thanks you for it, "thank you, Mommy wa-wa".  He says, "my turn" very often and is stringing together longer and longer phrases. "Mommy, please read Eee-nee book. I want George."  And he basically repeats anything he hears. Tonight G was talking about blue whales so the next thing we knew, Easton was desperately trying to get daddy's attention and repeating, "Daddy blue whale" over and over again. 

Easton likes the little tricycle we got him last month, and he is really into playing with the water table out front. He is a coloring machine and a total animal lover. 

I realized this month that Easton has memorized many of the books we read him. If I pause mid sentence, he immediately fills in the blank.  His favorites are Curious George and any animal book he can get his hands on. Easton loves to pretend he is pulling the animals' tails in our books and yells, "ouch!" when he does. 

He kisses his own owies, reaches out to touch the moon, and yells his name and points when he sees his shadow. If you ask Easton how much he loves you he will stretch out his arms and say, "deees much!"

Just this month we discovered that Easton can, in fact, sleep through the night without nursing frequently. He now goes to sleep for naps and the night without Mama's milk. I do still nurse him once in the mornings. This is a huge deal for us. 

He also willingly sits on the potty but hasn't really done much on there other than roar his terrible roars and gnash his terrible teeth.  I bought him some big boy undies and let him try them on last night. When it was time to change to a diaper, Easton cried, "no undies off!" So we will see what happens. 

Easton is a good sport about homeschooling and keeps himself busy in the mornings by coloring, reading books, playing with money, and taking things off the shelves.

Whenever I tell him we can't do something or refuse his requests, Easton's response is always, "WHY????"

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