Sunday, November 10, 2013

Los Grovers, the Expanded Edition

Okay, so I have a lot of catch up work to do on this blog.

Our latest and greatest news is that we are expecting Baby Grover #3 in April, and we couldn't be happier. I am now 17 weeks pregnant with Baby Girl Grover.  I am pretty sure that I am starting to feel her moving around, but only infrequent gentle movements.  It will be a few more weeks before a certain very excited big sister will be able to feel some high fives from Baby Sister.

Gabriela is absolutely over the moon about having a baby sister.  She asks to talk about her all the time and what things will be like when her sister arrives - what her sister will be able to do, what Gabriela will be able to do. Can she hold the baby? Will we give Baby Sister tummy time? Can we keep the baby in the homeschool room while she does school?  Gabriela is excited to share her baby clothes with a sister.

Easton is so sweet.  He says "Baby dih-ter" and pulls up my shirt to cuddle with and hug my belly.  It couldn't be sweeter.  I am not sure how much he really understands about Baby Sister, but he sure is acting like he gets it.

I am very happy to report that, as usual, I have had a super easy pregnancy.  No morning sickness, or other symptoms.  I am a little tired, but I am pretty sure that with homeschooling and two kiddos, I would be tired even without being pregnant! The only thing that is bothering me is that my hips are already sore, so it's a little tricky to find a comfortable sleeping spot at night.  My giant pregnancy pillow is helping though. Ever since the midwife told Gabriela that the baby grows when Mommy is sleeping, she's been better about letting me catch a short rest while putting Easton down for a nap in the afternoons.

My belly is growing and quickly. April will be here before we know it. I can't believe we will have a sweet new baby girl in our family just in time for spring.

We can't wait to meet her!

1 comment:

Malia said...
