Monday, January 19, 2009

Six Months Old!

This picture cracks me up. Lane is reading her Richard Scarry stories, but come on Gabriela, they aren't THAT scary!

Time is going by so quickly! I can't believe we have a six month old baby! Gabriela is so much fun these days. She is so much more vocal. She's got her little army crawl down, and is starting to inspect her surroundings. Just today, she was fascinated with a laundry basket in the living room! I think she's starting to understand the sign for up because when she's fussy, she'll immediately smile when I say UP and show her the sign. She loves shiny stuff and ribbons and tags and while she doesn't have any teeth yet, she's still a champion drooler and we can feel little bumps in her mouth. She still loves singing and is our little giggle bug.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Wow that is right she is about the age to start signing. Keep it up. I remember when Andrew made his first sign, I think I scared Mom because I wen running across the house to tell her. She thought something was wrong. I think that is great.