Friday, July 3, 2009

Gabriela Feeds Herself

Yesterday, I put Gabriela's lunch on the table and ran back in the kitchen for a second to grab something. By the time I got back, Gabriela had reached across her highchair, grabbed the spoon, and started feeding herself. I haven't really tried letting her feed herself before, so I was surprised she did so well.

Here's a video of her in action, as well as learning how to make water squirt out of her sippy cup. uh oh.


Malia said...

Well that is adorable.

I remember having something like this in the house when kids were learning to use utensils:

I guess it gives you a slightly better chance of the spoon actually making it *in* their mouth?


Theresa said...

what a happy girl.

Mom said...

Oh to enjoy such simple pleasures!

Unknown said...

what a cutie. and the spoon was actually making into her mouth.

I love the professional pic you had done.