Thursday, October 22, 2009

15 Month Stats

Gabriela weighs 20.8 lbs - 19th percentile

She is 31.5 inches long - 82nd percentile

Tall and Skinny. What a shocker.

Dr. says she is doing extremely well developmentally. Gabriela was very friendly and climbing walking and crawling around and saying hi to Dr. Whelman. She was not so glad to get her vaccinations. She must have remembered from last time, since she started crying when the nurse walked in to do her dirty work. It could have also been that Gabriela was getting impatient after being at the doctor's office for THREE hours. Books and toys and stickers and snacks and lotion (Gabriela loves lotion) and peek-a-boo and dancing start losing their lure after a while, like after two and a half hours.

Gabriela got a regular flu vaccine, but they don't have the H1N1 yet. Dr. Whelman says she should really get this vaccine since she is prone to wheezing and inhaler use whenever she gets sick. I guess we need to start calling regularly to see when it comes in. Right now they are guessing two weeks from now.


Mom said...

Getting vaccinated can be tough, but the alternative is much worse. So, just be a good girl. Waiting for doctor for three hours, on the other hand, is a bit excessive. Go ahead and complain about that.

The Sylvester Crew said...

Wait times for peds seem to be long in this area. Take it from me. . .the new Peds NP, it's not because we don't care or take our time. Parents really want their kids seen when they are sick and sometimes phone advice isn't as comforting as seeing the doctor. There are lots of sick babies out their these days with viruses, flu etc. Sorry you had to wait so long though. She is such a cutie pa tootie!

Elena said...

The wait didn't really phase me. It was tricky, but the important part was that when we DID finally see the pediatrician, she was attentive, took time to answer all my questions, listened, gave fabulous advice, was gentle and interested and caring toward Gabriela and didn't seem at all rushed. They are extremely busy, they had auditors there interviewing staff, they're in the middle of implementing a new system, and they're inundated with inquiries regarding H1N1. I think they're doing a pretty good job considering all this.