Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 5

Last week I caught my reflection in the sliding glass door and noticed a very new little bulge in my belly. Where the heck did that come from!?!? So suddenly and so obvious (to probably only me) and I was very self-conscious about it.  Then I had a couple days where I was incredibly sleepy, much more tired than normal. And THEN, I started feeling more hungry and having to pee more often.


Lane and I were talking one night about what the heck was going on.  He asked me if I thought I was pregnant. I don't know, I mean, it IS possible.  I decided to pull out a pregnancy test right then and there.

Yeah, it was probably like four years old.  But I never saw a positive line show up so quickly, except for the last time I was pregnant!

It's official.  We are expecting Baby Grover #2.  This darling little munchkin will arrive sometime mid November.

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