Wednesday, December 12, 2012

13 months old

 Easton is finished with his yogurt. 

One of the biggest difference this month is that Easton is actively walking and sometimes running everywhere.  I can't believe how quickly he went from taking a few hesitant steps to walking quickly and sometimes even running!!  But the fanciest thing he does is walk around carrying the step stool, putting it down and climbing up onto it when he finds something he wants to get into.  I really have to keep an eye on him; I have even caught him putting the step stool on top of another step stool. 

Every month Easton is signing more and more.  These are the new signs he's started doing in the last month: thank you, help, hat, all done, banana, and potty.  He also has started a hello wave, which is different from his bye-bye wave.  

The other day, while I was cooking Easton came up to me and signed, "please help!"  He wanted to help cook. How sweet is that???

Easton loves fitting blocks into his shape sorter and is actually getting the hang of which shape goes where.  If he cant figure it out, he does his help sign and I give him some pointers. He also pulls his little wooden alligator behind him all the time, taking him for little walks.

Easton had a busy month. When he wasn't busy learning how to walk, signing new stuff, and getting his forehead sewn up, he managed to cut four molars.  It also looks like he has two other teeth trying to creep through. This has caused him to be a little fussy this month. 

Our little baby pays attention to everything.  He brings me hair ties when he sees me brushing Gabriela's hair.  He has been enjoying our trips to museums this month too - actually exploring and figuring things out instead of just being attached to me in the carrier.

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