Wednesday, March 6, 2013

January Catch Up

We were pretty busy in January so here's a photo recap.  We visited the Bay Area Children's Discovery Museum in Sausalito. It was extra fun visiting over the weekend with Daddy.
Gabriela especially enjoyed the fairy tale exhibit, and who better to share it with than Hello Kitty???
Easton loves the fishies.  Here he is doing his fish sign, which has morphed into a sign very similar to water, which is only natural, since that is where fish live.

One Friday after school we hopped over to Fairyland and caught the puppet show.
 Gabriela dressed like a princess and enjoyed sliding down the hill on cardboard.  Mommy showed her how to go down on her feet, but there are no photos of that.
 Easton was happy to come along for the ride, as usual.
And Gabriela climbed up the pirate ship, as usual.
 Another January weekend we hopped over to Berkeley to check out the Lawrence Hall of Science.  Gabriela and Daddy had lots of fun climbing on the giant whale out front.
 So many Eastons
 One of the fun parts about Easton being older is that he actually explores and has lots of fun at museums, but the down side is that Lane and I usually have to split up, each following one of the kiddos around.  But here they are together.
 The view is pretty spectacular at the Lawrence Hall of Science.
 And so is the viewer.
 We spent nearly the entire afternoon in the animal room.  Every 15 minutes the staff person brought out a new animal for the kids to watch closely and pet, and sometimes even hold.  This was Gabriela's favorite. We watched a salamander swim, a chinchilla get a dust bath, Gabriela touched a giant snake, and held the dove.  There were lots of other animals, and if I had blogged about it earlier in the month, I would have remembered more.
 Easton is still a fan of the fishies.
Another Friday after school we headed over to the Oakland Zoo for the afternoon.
 Gabriela likes to run around in the open areas there.

 And go on the rides. 
Sometimes I have to remind her that we don't go to the zoo to go on the rides, but that it's an extra fun thing we get to enjoy.

We also watched the Inauguration.  Gabriela is excited by anything Washington DC, and I of course have a special place in my heart for most things Washington DC. I really miss our life there, all the fun and friends we had there. It was exciting to watch, knowing exactly where every one was, that I had been to all those places before.

Regardless of who won the election, it was an important day for our country. I was excited to watch with Gabriela and to explain to her how our president was promising to take care of our country for the next four years.  

She picked an excellent viewing partner.
 Easton watched too.  His favorite parts were whenever a choir would perform, and he would start waving his arms around like the choral conductors do.  Meanwhile, Gabriela would point out people by name. I think her favorite parts were seeing Sasha and Malia.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I'm so glad the kids loved the Lawrence Hall of Science! I worked in the animal room for 2 years as an undergrad (when we were open to the public I was one of the people who brought out animals!). One of the best jobs I've ever had. If (when?) Gabriela goes to UC Berkeley, she can work there too :)