Thursday, March 14, 2013

Santa Barbara Fun

We headed down to Santa Barbara over President's Day weekend. It was kind of funny because Meliss and I both asked the Santa Barbara Grovers within a day of each other if we could visit that same weekend, so we all headed down for some super cousin fun. 
We didn't leave until 8pm or so for our 5 hour drive, and it went quite smoothly, with both kids falling asleep right away.
As soon as the kids woke up to seeing each other, they got busy playing and picking up where they left off. The weather was gorgeous, as usual. So much so that we packed up and headed to the beach in the morning. 
Gabriela and Natalie were buddies and played in the water together the whole time.
Claire and Beau got right to work digging a gigantic hole.  These smartie pants enlisted the help of the dog to do a bunch of digging for them! Chaney stayed busy running with the dogs at the beach.
Cousins playing at the beach
Easton loved the ocean.  We would bring him close so his toes would touch the water and run from the waves as the came toward us. Every time we whisked Easton away he signed, "more water". Definitely a fan.

I can't believe how much these kids are growing, right before my very eyes!
And check out this supreme awesomeness
For real, guys! Claire wasn't even born yet when Lane and I got married.  And now look at her!!  Such a beautiful young lady

I guess Natalie and Gabriela were too busy running around for me to sneak any pictures of them.

After the beach, the kiddos jumped in the pool back at Uncle Ian's house. And this is one of the great things about living in California!  Ian had prepared for our visit by cranking up his pool heater so the pool could have been mistaken for a bath tub.  The kids really appreciated it.

That night was pizza and movie night while us grown ups stayed up and talked.  Good times. 

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