Sunday, April 21, 2013

17 months old

Well, I have been getting behind schedule. 

Easton's new signs last month were elephant, complete with sound effects, gorilla, caterpillar, butterfly, eggs, train, hurt and throw - a made up sign, complete with grunting as he completes his throwing action.  He also made up another sign for outside. He puts his arm straight up in the air and says "Ahh!" Easton does this and walks straight to the front door anytime he wants to enjoy the outdoors.

Easton quickly learned the signs for caterpillar and butterfly over the last month while we had our butterfly habitat and watched the complete transformation.

This little guy loves coloring.   He is always doing his color sign and will sit and concentrate for a very long time coloring at the table.  Easton also learned how to draw circles this month.  He will hold his pencil and draw circles, proudly display his drawings to us, flip the paper over to the other side and start all over again.

He also adores reading books.  Easton's favorites right now are Goodnight Gorilla, Little Gorilla, and From Head to Toe, which has a picture of a gorilla on the front.  I think this our baby boy loves his apes.

This month Easton started doing his "yikes" and "surprise" faces.  I adore when he makes these faces.  He picked up the yikes face all on his own and started making it whenever he'd drop something.  He soon learned his surprise face, and both come in very handy while he is reading Goodnight Gorilla.

And, he will drop everything for a ball.  All bets are off if there is a basketball involved.  Easton loves basketball, and will drop everything at the playground and boldy go up to anyone playing basketball, doing his "please" sign, politely requesting that they immediately turn over the ball to him.  He will stand in front of the hoop, and with all his might (and some sound effects), try to thrust the ball up into the air. It usually goes about an inch or so, but he sure is trying hard. 

This month Easton started jumping.  They are very low jumps when he is on flat ground, but the kid is fearless and will jump off of anything - parts of the playground, cement steps, you name it. He is our little daredevil.

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