Sunday, April 21, 2013

Family Fun Night

Nearly every Friday night we try to do something fun together as a family.  We call it Family Fun Night! Sometimes we watch movies or play games, but recently Family Fun Night was actually Family Craft Night. 

Gabriela and I have so many fun projects we want to do together. The only problem is finding the time and digging my sewing machine and supplies out of our monstrous storage closet.  

We decided to make time by designating that Friday craft Friday. Daddy got to work mounting Gabriela's awesome USA map on corkboard while she and I worked on the baby doll diapers we have been talking about for ages. 

After a little while, Gabriela asked if she could use the scissors.  At first I told her no, but then I thought, what the heck! I gave her some small scissors, some pins and a bag of scrap fabric.  Gabriela was so excited to make her own project. She cut out a dress shape, pinned it to the fabric, cut out another, and then we sewed it together.  She felt like such a big girl. 
Just look at her concentration as she sews her dress together.  I love that the shape is uneven -it's totally her design and doing. What is more exciting than that??

Mommy Daughter sewing time!

And here she is, dressing her dolly in her creation.  And, it fits!!

Apparently, we need to hold another Family Craft Night because these baby doll diapers are still not finished.  Here is Gabriela, demonstrating how totally wonderful they will be once Mommy finally finishes them.

I am no expert on the sewing machine, but it is so heartwarming to share that craft with my baby girl.

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