Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wearing Mama's Sweater

My mom was so sweet to send Gabriela a sweater that she crocheted for me when I was a baby. I still have a hard time picturing myself so tiny. Here is Gabriela enjoying her extra special sweater. Thanks, Nana!!


banananutmeg said...

oh I LOVE 2nd generation clothes! I was ecstatic when one of Aaron's old shirts fit on Corbin today.

I think my mom made me a similar sweater to yours with peach yarn.

I love her tights!

Anne said...

Our family has some "Care Bear" and "My Little Pony" nightgowns that my girls wore. I passed on to my nieces who sent them back to Liz for Alexis and now Emily's Becca & Kate wear them. There are many other things passed from cousin to cousin and it's fun to see them reappear!

Mom said...

Yes, you were so little and adorable just like your little darling. I love seeing her in the sweater.