Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Little Communicator

Gabriela seems to say a new word every day. It's so exciting to see her communicating with us more and more.

This morning Gabriela woke up and then heard a bus drive by. She immediately said "bus". Then, she put her hand on her foot and said "toes". Right after that, an airplane flew by and she did the sign for airplane. And then, she decided she wanted to nurse, so she did the sign for milk. When she was done, Gabriela did the potty sign and went pee-pee on the potty.

We took a short little walk when I picked Gabriela up from daycare this afternoon. She wanted to walk more and I needed to get us home, so I picked her up to walk back to the car. The whole time Gabriela was saying the same thing over and over again. It sounded just like zoo, but that didn't make any sense. I put her in her car seat and noticed one of her shoes was missing. I looked every where in the car and finally realized it was on the sidewalk, right where I'd picked her up. And then it hit me - Gabriela was trying to tell me we left her SHOE behind.

At dinner time tonight, Gabriela suddenly put her food down and started shaking her hands back and forth and said "mamo". We are positive she was actually saying mano - the Spanish word for hand.

Oh, and she's learning how to "play" the harmonica. We will try to get some video of that soon.

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