Thursday, February 17, 2011

Journal Catch up

Last week I saw a picture of Gabriela from a year ago and realized how much bigger she is now.  I went back and read some posts from my blog last February - you know, when I was actually documenting things that happened in my life.  There were so many little details that I had already forgotten, like the signs and words Gabriela was just learning.

And then I felt awful for not recording more here lately.  I want to go back later and remember things like how Gabriela is already writing letters all by herself.  She loves to write As.  She asks to do HER home school, like her cousins. Today she made As, Es, Vs, Is, and even an M.  While she made Chaney's Valentine, she said, "watch this! ... a four!" and she had drawn a four. I never taught her how to make numbers.

Gabriela has an amazing memory.  We went to an ice cream parlor yesterday that we hadn't visited since summer when she got her free ice cream from the summer reading program.  As soon as we walked in, Gabriela said, "Mommy, damember when we came here last time?!?!"  Today she asked about a little girl she hasn't seen since June. I wasn't sure who she was talking about until she told me she closed the door on her hand. Maybe we'll get to play with Mallory soon. 

Gabriela insists on doing everything by herself.  This often means undoing things so she can start all over and do them by herself.  She has sworn off naps for the most part.  And bedtime is WORLDs easier as a result. I don't spend hours trying to get her to sleep or lay down without me in the room.  A few stories, maybe a song and she's out!

She still talks about her "baby sister" all the time, although now her Baby Sister lives in her tummy.  Gabriela tells us we won't get to see Baby Sister until after Christmas, and that's when we'll learn her name. Other times, she spills the beans and reveals that Baby Sister's real name is Jamali.

Jollie is still around.  She comes to visit at least once a day, she appears when we are in the car, when we're out and about and she's always playing with Gabriela.

Some of Gabriela's favorite books these days are Corduroy, Chrysanthemum, Ladybug Girl, and Bedtime for Little Bears.

Gabriela really loves Claire and Natalie to pieces. Every day she asks if we can go visit. We finally scheduled a date, which has eased up the questions about when we will go. Instead, Gabriela now asks if it is March yet. In the meantime, she requests that I tell her stories about going to Santa Barbara every day - when she's going to bed, when she's on the potty, and when she wakes up when it's still dark outside, or that I draw complete family portraits of them - complete with their dog and cat.

She is always cracking me up saying things like: "Daddy? Are you *sure* I'm a big girl?" "Daddy, wake up so we can go to Santa Barbara!" "We don't say noy-yez. (how she used to say noise). We say noise, toys, boys (instead of noy-yez, toy-yez, boy-yez). "Mommy? Is this a video chat?"

We are staying busy most of the week with Music Together class on Tuesdays, Story time at the library on Wednesdays, playdates with Lila on Thursdays, and most recently added, Parent-Child class at East Bay Waldorf School on Friday mornings.

I've been torn about the whole preschool thing. So many parents of kids Gabriela's age are frantically touring preschools. They are fretting about where they will send their kids in fall. I'm not signing Gabriela up.  She is doing just fine with our little schedule. She's getting lots of time with other kids between her classes and playdates and cousin time. Plus, she's clearly learning a lot at home.  But then I freaked out a little bit when I realized there are only two years until my baby is going to be in kindergarten. For real, I almost cried. 

The parent-child class is perfect for us. Just two hours once a week. We meet a few other kids - the max class size is 7. We sing songs together, have a warm meal together - the kids set the table and do the dishes, listen to stories and rhymes together. The kids play while
the adults talk and do "handiwork". Right now, we're making wool sheep for the kids to play with, and then we have outside time to play in the sand and the sunshine. 

I have so many more photos to catch up on.  Wish me luck.


Anne said...

I love your posts and your pictures! But most of all we love your visits!! Hope to see you sometime soon!

Cynthiaclower said...

I absolutely loved reading this update journal post! That sweetie pie of yours is such a doll... always saying and doing the silliest and cutest things. I miss her to pieces. Hopefully we can schedule a video chat soon. Get those photos up for us :)!!