Friday, January 13, 2012

Easton is 2 months (and one day) old

I can't believe how quickly time is going by.  Easton is such a darling little guy! Right when he was 4 weeks old, he was making little cooing sounds. The next week, he was totally grinning, he snuck in a few laughs the following week, and has just been giggling and smiling all the time since then.  Easton gives most of his giggles on the changing table where we have many conversations and where his mama can be found making all sorts of goofy noises trying to start the giggle fest.

Easton still detests having clothes put on him...ooooh, he gets mad!  We are also hit and miss with car seat torture, although he is definitely doing better.  Gabriela talks to him and, on some trips, he just gazes at his big sister, smiling back at her.  She gets super excited and asks if I saw the smile too. But other trips have been regular scream sessions.

Easton still really likes to be held, but also will hang out now in his bouncer for a while.  Thank goodness Heather brought us over a swing.  Easton loves it!  He will even sleep in it, which has afforded me the opportunity to take normal length showers again.  Our co-sleeper isn't being used for much other than a nightstand these days. Easton is sleeping right in the bed and goes straight to sleep after a little nursing at bedtime.  I nurse him during the night, and he just starts fidgeting when he's ready to eat, so we are all resting well at night. for now. phew.

He really has good control of his head, really likes to put weight on his feet, and seem to have recently discovered his hands.

It's been a busy month for Easton.  He had his first Christmas, attended a New Year's Eve EVE party, had his first trip to the Academy of Sciences, and his first Friendsgiving Dinner/Partay.

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

oh my goodness Easton is just precious and just like Gabriela he is the perfect combination of mommy and daddy!

love the giggles, so sweet!