Monday, August 27, 2012

Gilroy Gardens: Part 1 - The Rides

The other weekend we went down to Gilroy and had a splendid time with Lane's parents.  First, they took us to Gilroy Gardens. 
It's such a pretty place.
 Easton fell asleep from the get-go, but let's face it. This trip was all about Gabriela having a blast. And she did.
 Hanging out with Grandpa on the strawberries.
 Merry-go-round fun
 Two years ago, we had to ask the operators to stop this ride because Gabriela wasn't having it. This year, it was easy breezy.

 Waiting in line with Grandpa for the next kid-only ride

 And then Gabriela decided she wanted to go on a real roller coaster. She just barely met the height requirement, and on she hopped with Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa.
 She loved every second. In fact, as soon as it was over, we jumped back in the line so I could have a go with her as well.

 And, what ride do you go on after a thrilling roller coaster?  Why, the tiny fire trucks, of course!
 There was some hot air balloon riding
 And another roller coaster.  These photos are from the second time in a row we went on this ride. The first time she said, "I want to go on this.  AGAIN!" so we did. Lane put the camera behind him and snapped a bunch of photos without even looking.

(Excuse my skeleton look, Easton is apparently sucking the life out of me.)  Gabriela loved every second of this trip, and this was only part one.

1 comment:

Meg said...

we LOVE Gilroy Gardens. Beautiful, clean, and fun. It is always on our "must do" list when we visit Ca.
Gabriela's face on the roller coaster is priceless!