Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nine Months Old

Today my sweet guy is 9 months old.  True to form, he picked up a new skill days after his 8 month milestone - pulling up to stand.  He does it on everything - people, chairs, the bathtub, walls, cabinets, shelves.  But just within the last few days, he's started to let go. He stands just for a little second and then plops down.

One of the most exciting things that has happened this month is Easton started doing the "milk" sign. It's the cutest thing ever! First, I thought maybe he was doing the sign, but he could just be playing with his fingers, and then I noticed he would do it very intently while he was nursing.  Now, if he hears me say milk or wants to nurse he looks at me, puts his arm up super high and does his milk sign. He even signed for milk in his sleep one night, and another night he woke up and did the milk sign.

Last night, as we were eating homemade pizza with corn and goat cheese, Easton very excitedly did the "eat" sign a couple times. That kid loves pizza! It's so exciting to see him do signs and to know that he truly is starting to understand what we say to him.

This really has been a big month for Easton.  He got 3 teeth in 10 days, and then a fourth tooth at the end of the month. Easton has twice as many teeth as last month!  He had some rough patches there, where he was a little fussy and cried every time I put him on the floor instead of crawling around and exploring. But for the most part, he's been a real trooper.

Easton always crawls on all fours now. No more army scoot for this little guy! He also reaches his hands straight out to people when he wants their attention. And he's started reaching his arms out toward mama when he wants to be held.

Easton will not eat anything with a spoon. He very much wants to eat independently. His favorites these days are peaches, blackberries, pizza and corn on the cob. Yum!  He really does eat whatever we eat now.
Here he is, first time in the shopping cart.  So sweet. 

Nothing cuter than a sleeping baby

We love you so much, Easton Michael. 

1 comment:

Meg said...

this is probably my favorite baby much personality comes out and they reach new milestones every day! You will love watching the relationship between him and his sister blossom even more over the next few months. He's growing so fast!