Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ten Months Old

I feel like Easton has changed so much in the last month - how could all these things have happened in just four weeks? Easton gives high fives, points like nobody's business,signs for up, milk, eat, and claps.  Sometimes, he will start clapping on his own as soon as he hears me start to sing, "If you're happy and you know it".  He gives the sweetest hugs, complete with heart-melting pats on the back and the most slobbery open-mouthed kisses you could ever ask for.  He understands lots of what we say to him.  Just last night, I told him to kiss the animals in our goodnight book and he did it over and over again.
Kisses for the baby doll

This month Easton had his first dentist appointment.  One of his front teeth looks like it is chipped. The weird thing is that it grew in this way. The pediatric dentist assured us that there is nothing harmful about this, and that some composite can be used to cover it up later on, if we want.

The pediatrician is a little worried about Easton's rate of weight gain. It's been pretty steady until this last month.  So, we are going in for a weight check at the end of this month.  He eats when he wants, but he's also extremely active. Plus, have you seen what his parents look like? We aren't worried and are pretty sure it's just in his genes.

Some of Easton's favorites are turning the lights on and off, animals and babies.  He hasn't quite mastered turning the light switch back on, but he is a pro at turning lights off, and quickly points out all the light switches asking to turn them on and off.  Our little guy had so much fun at Little Farm last week - it was the first time he helped feed the animals. He adores Grandma and Grandpa's cat, Cozy, and excitedly points to every single dog he spots when we are out and about. Easton is so excited that there are other little kids, just his size. He goes crazy over babies, gives enthusiastic hugs, and laughs and smiles.  He also thinks Gabriela is the funniest person.  ever.  There is nothing better than seeing her be silly just to get giant giggles out of her baby brother.

Easton is standing up all the time by himself and is pretty steady for a few seconds. He is so proud of himself too.  And, you guys, this kid started climbing.  What the heck, Easton!  I will walk into a room to find this:
 On this particular day, Easton climbed up to get a better view of the red table. Then he sat on top of the step stool and did the sign for "eat".  Because that's what his big sister always does there. So, he had a snack.
Easton is always watching what we do and imitating what he sees.  This month I've spotted him putting a comb through his hair, trying to unscrew our water bottles, and just last night he was holding a fork and with the other hand, tried to put a piece of food onto his fork.  So cute.  He really is watching and learning all the time.

At the beginning of this month, Easton was constantly making the same sound over and over again. He would open his eyes in the morning and start saying "ite, ite, ite" and it would last all day long. But now he is making different sounds for different things - it's always consistent though.  It's a kind of pre-language, if you will. The kind that only a parent can understand.  When Easton wants to turn the light on he says "ahh! ahh!" When he drops something, he immediately looks on the ground and says, "Uh!" sometimes he goes for the "uh!uh!" But no "uh oh" yet.  When he wants something he makes a "dah!" sound that sounds almost like "that". And when he gets upset he makes a "mmm" sound, or sometimes, puts his hand up to his mouth while he makes it so it sounds like "mah".  Of course no one other than his mom or dad would ever recognize these sounds for what Easton means, but we certainly do, and that's what matters.
 Look at this little explorer on his tippy toes!

Today Easton crawled up to the dryer and handed me articles of clothing, one by one, until he got distracted and moved onto something else.  He also started dancing when I started singing to him, and spontaneously waved "bye bye" to Daddy when he left for game night.
 Easton Michael, you are growing so fast.  We love every moment with you, little sweetheart.

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