Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Los Banos Fair

Nana and Papa invited us down to Los Banos to attend the fair in May so we packed our bags and hit the road for some fun adventures with Nana and Papa and Auntie Theresa and Andrew. 

Easton and Andrew loves riding the tractors.   

There was a cute children's exhibit on farming with lots of activities. 
Of course, we went to the petting zoo. Here is Easton discovering that, yes, goats have eyes. 
Gabriela adored the tiny goats. 
There was a baby cow too. But perhaps the strangest animals in the farm petting zoo were the camel and the zebra. Yes, you read that correctly. The camel was huge and Easton was not at all interested in going near him. 
He did, however, enjoy the doves and the chickens with auntie Theresa. 
Andrew went in this crazy harness contraption connected to a giant trampoline and practically jumped into the trees. He had a blast. 

We sat down and enjoyed a snack while he wowed us with his mad jumping skills. 
And then we watched the Mexican folklorico dancers do their thing. Gabriela was mesmerized by ther twirling colorful dresses. She kept asking me to take photos of each different dancing group and I happily obliged. 

At the end, volunteer got to go dance on stage with the performers. Of course, Andrew and Gabriela jumped on that opportunity. Unfortunately, we didn't have a good view of Gabriela, but Andrew was up front and loving every second of it. 

We ended our afternoon of fun with some kettle corn and a round of rides on the Ferris wheel. 

Nana, Andrew and Gabriela all took pictures in the photo booth. I will have to upload those pics too. They are super cute!

Thanks for thinking of us Nana, we had a wonderful time together with you at the fair!

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