Friday, March 26, 2010

Confessions from a Hippie Mama

Hippie Mama here to report that I’ve finally started the process of weaning the wee one. Yes, already. At 20 months. Usually, Gabriela will have none of it if I offer her cow’s milk at home. I’m sure she’s drinking it during the day because that’s what I send in her bottles and they come back empty. Sometimes she will taste it, and immediately reject it and then say “Mama milk”, as if to ask, “what is this crap you’re trying to give me?!?!” This girl can’t be tricked. So, you can imagine how nervous I was about how the process would go, especially since I’ve never done it before.

A long time ago I decided I would only nurse Gabriela when she asked for milk. This is usually in the mornings when she wakes up, immediately upon getting in the car from daycare, when we come home from daycare - Meese (please), Mommy. Milk, couch- at bedtime, and then ALLL throughout the whole night, which is what was starting to get a little old. Gabriela was so excited to have unlimited milk at night because yes, she sleeps in our bed. (I told you I was Hippie Mama)

So, a long time ago I tried to eliminate the daycare-car feeding. I started bringing Gabriela a snack to munch on during our ride home. She soon became accustomed to this, and started asking for her snack in the car instead of milk. (“Meese, mommy, Lah-Lah, snack” sometimes accompanied by her fish sign for goldfish) Success!

Then I thought we’d just go for the gold and try to eliminate the nightly all you can drink nursing sessions. I have to say, Gabriela was not a fan the first night and boy did she let us know. The next night, in my sleepiness, I nursed her once. But, I didn’t nurse her the next night or the night after. Gabriela seems to be resting better, even though she still wakes up and asks for milk. I’ve been giving her cow’s milk in a bottle, because she won’t drink it from a sippie cup for me. And she hasn’t protested.

She still gets a little fussy after daycare when she wants to nurse. But I think she mostly wants cuddles instead of milk. I've been giving her cow's milk and cuddling and it seems to be working.

It’s been going quite well, so far. I’m proud of my big girl. Wish us luck over the next few days.


Unknown said...

I straight cut Mina off at 9 months. She liked to try and run away while I was nursing her. Ouchie! Caet's going to get the same thing at 12 months.

banananutmeg said...

You could try switching to a sippy that has a straw on it...since she likes to suck. That might be an easier transition than right to sippy cup from breast or bottle. I nursed Reese until she was 14 months. I was ready, she was NOT. It helped to not let her fall asleep while nursing. When she started to dose off, I always would wake her up a little and then give her hugs and rocked her a minute instead. Then I would sing a song and read her bedtime book and THEN put her to bed. Slowly start introducing different activities into the routine between sleep and nursing. It might help so that instead of nursing right at wake up or bedtime, she things of snuggles. Then she thinks of books, then songs, or a bath or breakfast or whatever. Even when you move to a bottle, you could try slipping an activity like a good night song or brushing teeth in between bottle and sleep, so that the next transition will be easier. Good luck! Weaning is difficult for some babies, easy for others! Reese was an angry elf. Quincy weaned herself before I was ready, and Corbin seems pretty much indifferent to anything I do as long as he gets fed and snuggled one way or another.

morethangray said...

Yay, Hippie Mama :] Your approach is so strategic an you can't be alllll hippie :D

ChristianneRenee said...

Good job BABY and MOMMA!!!! she is growing up so fast! love you all! kisses!!! MUAH