Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ride the bus.

The weather has been gorgeous lately. I still can't get over the fact that last week I was wearing a winter coat, scarf, and gloves and am now wearing a light jacket and sunglasses. And, it's so awesome that the sun is still shining when I pick her up in the afternoon. We've been going on adventures.

Monday night we went to the park where Gabriela climbed up the play structure and went down the slide ten thousand times before we crossed the street and made a short visit to the library.

Yesterday, I thought it would be fun to take the bus home! Gabriela loves buses, she says bus every time she hears one, points them out when we're walking and driving through town, and she wants to sing the wheels on the bus all the time. She wasn't quite sure what to do when a bus actually stopped just for us. We hopped on and enjoyed the view through the window. When we got off, Gabriela said "bye, bye bus!" lots and lots of times.

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