Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nov 20 - Four Months Old!

Gabriela is 4 months old. What a big month this has been for her! She had her first Halloween, helped her mom vote for the next president, started actually enjoying tummy time, discovered her feet, and *sigh* started daycare.

Gabriela LOVES to suck her thumb these days. She also drools like nobody's business ALL the time and sticks everything she can grab into her mouth.

She is sitting up very well in her little Bebe Pod - a chair that helps support babies who are learning to sit up themselves. She also holds her head up for a long time while on her tummy, and rolls over every chance she gets.

Gabriela interacts more and more each day - smiling and blowing little raspberries at us. She's also starting to get a little ticklish. She is so much fun!!!


Patrick and Crystal said...

She is so cute! And you look great! I'm glad you guys are able to get back into your routine, and that everyone is surviving the first few days at daycare. That must be hard, but you'll make it! By the way, I really wanted to use a midwife this time, but then discovered that there aren't any on our insurance in this area. Lame. I'm going to look into it again if and when we move though, and then I'm sure I'll have a million more questions for you!

Theresa said...

WOW! she is getting so big. She looks so happy with her mommy. Miss you guys.