Thursday, September 24, 2009


Some reasons for Mommy to say uh-oh

Toes like these can only mean trouble

Gabriela finally said uh-oh for the first time yesterday. Although, it was more like uh......................oh.

At the library she was throwing a block on the floor as hard as she could with two hands and saying uh-oh. Yeah, right. Uh-oh. She said it all day.

This morning she woke up and instead of asking for a book or looking for cars out the window like she normally does, she did the sign for potty. As soon as she sat down, she did a little morning pee-pee. Yay, Gabriela. Bravo!


Adrienne said...

Uh-oh - you're in for it now!!!

You will hear lots and lots and lots of that ;-)

I can't believe how BIG she is getting. We miss her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!

I'm not sure we can wait til spring to see you guys again :-(

Unknown said...

UH-OH! for reals!
Look at that little smartie pants on the step stool. Time to hide that thing. =]

Mina use to do the same thing with her toes. We called them her Ballerina toes. And she use to run on them! Ouch!