Thursday, October 21, 2010

I just wanna go to school

I was showing Gabriela how excited I was to display her halloween craft today and this conversation happened.

Gabriela: I made that at school. (she made it at the kitchen table, by the way)

Daddy: Do you want to go to school?

Gabriela: Yeah, like a big kid. And I will put on my clothes and get my diaper bag.

Daddy: You mean your backpack?

Gabriela: yeah, my backpack. I want a blue backpack.

Daddy: And what's in your backpack?

Gabriela: Money, and books that I borrowed from the library.

Daddy: What will you do at school?

Gabriela: ummmm, just play school with the other kids.


Unknown said...

Tell her she can go to preschool as soon as she is potty trained and doesn't wear diapers anymore.

Elena said...

She spent all day yesterday in the same pair of undies! And then woke up with a totally dry diaper this morning!

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

She's sooooooo cute!!!!