Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Time Away

Lane and I took a trip to Mexico to attend a wedding at the beginning of the month. We had a great trip, but it was also our first time away from Gabriela. I've only ever been away from Gabriela for one night, and there's never been a time when both Lane and I were away.

Ian and Adie and Claire and Natalie took great care of Gabriela while we were gone.  A few days before we left I broke down in tears afraid that Gabriela might just need her mommy, and I wouldn't be here. Lane said, "oh, this is going to be a fun vacation."

But I got it out of my system. For a while before we left for Santa Barbara, we were telling Gabriela about all the fun she'd have during her special time with Auntie Adie.  It was also helpful that we arrived in Santa Barbara and were there with her for a while before we left. 

I made Gabriela a chart with the days of the week when we'd be gone, and drew some happy faces and hearts on the day we were coming home.  I also made Gabriela a list of the fun things she could do while we were gone. I drew lots of pictures on this list so she could read it too.  We reviewed our lists when we'd talk about it. I was feeling good. 

Then, when we were getting ready to leave at 5 in the morning, Gabriela said, "no, Mommy. Lay in the bed with me!" oh no.  I told her that her special time with Auntie Adie was starting and she started getting out of bed. When I asked where she was going, she matter of factly told me she was going to go cuddle with Auntie Adie in her bed.  And then, when we said goodbye, she didn't even cry (and neither did I).  Huge sigh of relief.

We had regular video calls where she'd tell us all the fun things we were doing, and I got her a couple little presents to open while we were gone so she'd have new fun things to keep her busy.

It was such a relief to not have to worry about her the whole time we were gone.  When we got back, Gabriela came to the airport to meet us.  She thought it was the coolest thing ever that she got to watch our plane land and see us walk off the plane. After we got in the car, I asked her what she did during her special time. Her response? " Um, I just waited for you. I missed you. I love you THIIIIIIIIIIS much!"

Wow, this kid knows how to work it.

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