Friday, December 3, 2010


So I'm a little (okay, a lot) behind on blogging. Here's the short and sweet recap of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.  Here was the view from our hotel room
We didn't do much while we were there, aside from eat, hang out with friends, lay out at the beach and drink piña coladas and badaiquiries (banana daiquiries). It was rough.  We could have gone snorkeling or on some other excursions, but we would have been rushing around.  Maybe if we'd come for more time, but I couldn't stand booking our trip for any longer. In fact, even though Gabriela was going to stay in Santa Barbara, can you believe I brought her passport just in case I couldn't go through with it and decided to bring her along at the last minute?!?!?  Anyway, Lane went kayaking.
This is what my view looked like most of the week. 

We had a wonderful relaxing trip, attended a beautiful wedding, caught up with old friends and made some new ones, all at the beach in Mexico.  SOOOO glad we went, and so thankful for auntie and uncle and cousins who took such loving care of Gabriela.

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