Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gabriela's Birthday

Today I let Gabriela have some chocolate chips in her nectarine nutty oatmeal for breakfast.

We packed some snacks and she (mostly) rode the 0.8 miles to downtown where we shopped at the toy store, using a gift card that some friends generously gifted her last week.  Gabriela kept finding things for her baby brother - so sweet.  She settled on a Green Toys dishes set, a lunch box with a guitar on it that says "you rock" and a jungle placemat.  After using our gift card, we owed one penny, which we didn't have so the whole purchase was basically free.  Yay!

Next we went to the frozen yogurt joint a few doors down where Gabriela ate her lunch without any coaching or begging on my part, a miracle I tell you.  I interviewed her for her totally awesome birthday book, and then we feasted on mint frozen yogurt with oreo cookie chunks. It was $2.31.  Sweet.  Gabriela thankfully rode her bike most of the way home, but there were some stretches where I carried her bike while she walked. It was great though, she didn't ask me to carry her once on our trip.

We came home and had a lazy afternoon having a picnic with her stuffed animals and her new dishes, building bunk beds for her dollies with blocks, creating forts with the pillows in the living room, and playing her new animal yahtzee game.

Then she helped me make her special request for dinner: Pancakes.  We had scrambled eggs, bacon, fresh melon, pancakes, and smoothies for dinner. I find this hilarious because never once have I ever suggested having breakfast for dinner, in fact I don't much care for breakfast for breakfast. She gobbled it down and we ate the last of the leftover chocolate cake for dessert. Gabriela sang along with us as we serenaded her with the happy birthday song. She sang right in tune with her mommy and daddy.

Love that little three year old.


Gilbert Family said...

Happy Birthday Gabriela!!! You are such a little sweetie!

Unknown said...

Breakfast for dinner is like the best thing ever! Good choice Gabriela!