Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve

I was really nervous about driving down to Hollister for Christmas Eve since Easton is not a fan of the car seat at all.  I mean, big time.  He considers it a form of torture and cannot handle even a 5 minute trip to the grocery store unless it is magically timed for when he is totally full of milk and super sleepy. 

Despite my fears, we decided to make the trip and stop for a visit in Gilroy on the way.  We drove about 5 miles before stopping because of poor baby Easton.  We made several help-the-baby-stop-crying stops along the way, but we made it!!
Gabriela had some good visit time with Grandma Janice

Grandma got some snuggles with Easton.  
(check our our awesome new burp cloths from some DC friends of ours)
 Easton was having fun with Grandpa and flashed him some sweet smiles.
 Cousins!  Easton and Nolan had a sleepy photo shoot in their cutesie Christmas outfits.  Can you believe they are only one month (and four days) apart?  This was the best shot of the boys, despite Nolan's hand gestures :)  Whoopsies.
 Easton was a champ on the 20 minute drive from Gilroy to Hollister and didn't cry once!  Yay!!  We got to my brother Tim's house to help make tamales and found that they were all on the stove already.  I love a good tamale making session, but I'm not about to complain if I just get to partake in the tamale eating fun.

Caeti is still in love with Easton and wanted to hold him, put his hat on for him, and remind other people to be quiet because the baby was sleeping. 
 The (big) cousins in front of the tree before the present opening madness started.
 My baby girl, who is clearly not a baby anymore.  How did I get such a big girl?!??! 
Andrew loved his Woody dress-up gear from Nana!  Look at those excited eyes!
Gabriela got the cutest Snow White dress up outfit handmade by Auntie Kristie!  She loves it. It's a giant tutu, and we had some trouble convincing her that they weren't pajamas.
After the family fun, we left with a stash of tamales and presents, bellies full and happy family time completed.  Gabriela AND Easton slept the whole drive home.  phew.  Merry Christmas to us!!

Gabriela had some trouble falling back to sleep once we got home, but she finally did before Santa came.


Unknown said...

Thanks for coming. We had such a great time with you guys.

Meg said...

Babies that give the bird are probably my most favorite thing ever! Thanks for posting the awesome pic.
I agree, Christmas is 1,000,000 times more fun with kids. So exciting!
Merry Christmas!