Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One Month Old

I don't know where the last four weeks have gone, but we suddenly have a one month old!

Like most babies, Easton pretty much slept the first few weeks after his arrival.  Since about two weeks old, he's been GIGGLING in his sleep.  What baby does this? And what is so funny to an infant?  He smiles and made the cutest little laughing sound.  I wish we could have captured this on film for you.

Easton makes an adorable snorting noise when he is hungry.  It's even more adorable because it's exactly the same thing Gabriela did when she was his age.

He is so strong and lifts his head up for long stretches at a time, easily turns his head from one side to the other, and sometimes even puts weight on his legs and feet for just a moment.

We had our worst night a few nights ago.  Gabriela and I have been a little sick recently, so we shouldn't be too surprised that Easton started getting really congested in his nose.  Which doesn't sound too bad, but when you are an infant and you only breathe through your nose and can't drink milk even though you are really hungry, it can be pretty rough.

He loves bouncing on the exercise ball as well as his baths, but doesn't care for changing in and out of clothes.  Easton isn't a big fan of sleeping by himself either.  He just wants to cuddle up, and I'm happy to oblige.  Easton does not care for spending time in the car seat, which is rough when we have to go somewhere.  If I can time it just right, he will sleep in the car, otherwise he sobs and it just breaks my heart.

We are glad to report that the Moby has not lost its magical powers, because Easton falls right to sleep in it. He also likes the Ergo carrier.

On Friday we took him to a party in a noisy restaurant in San Francisco.  He was such a good sport and just slept the whole time.

Easton is starting to smile more when he is awake and also has begun practicing using his little voice to make the cutest, sweetest sounds.  Melts his mama's heart.

We have been doing cloth diapers for a few weeks now.  Loving it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that cutie. Auntie needs to smooch on him. Like now.