Thursday, April 12, 2012

Five months old

How can time possibly be going by so quickly?? I feel like I am saying this every month, but only because it's true!! Easton is 5 months old today. 

Here he is, fascinated by a glass of wine our friend Serkan is drinking from.  Look at that concentration!
 Easton has had another busy month, with his first ever road trip to Santa Barbara, his first visit to the UC Berkeley botanical gardens, his first hike up at Mt. Diablo, first carousel ride, in addition to all the zoo and Fairyland and park trips we regularly take.  He is one happy little guy, just see for yourself:

 Easton has become Mr. Grabbypants this month.  He tries to get his hands on everything!! And, wow, I thought he was getting vocal last month! This month he wants to have conversations all the time, and he practices all sorts of different pitches and intonations, waiting to say more until we respond back. He's like a little song bird.

 I've been trying to get these things in my mouth for ages, people!
 I really wasn't in any rush to feed Easton solids.  But he would watch us eat like intently watching a ping pong game - looking at the table, looking at our mouths, over and over again.  Then he started grabbing. And when he couldn't grab with his hands, he'd try diving head first into our plates.

I gave him a spoon to hold at dinner time and he devoured it.  I put an empty spoon in his mouth and he opened wide and started chomping (on nothing). Clearly this little guy was ready for something.
So, being the hippie that I am, I toasted some quinoa, pulverized it in the coffee/spice grinder, and gave him some stirred up in trusty ol' breastmilk.  Easton loved it.  In fact, he started getting all fussy and freaking out whenever the spoon wasn't within grabbing reach or in his mouth.  He's had more several times since then. When he gets a little older I will start introducing veggies with his quinoa and b-milk.  Now, it's just about sharing and learning the process of eating something a little thicker than milk.

Easton has taken his last few baths without fussing at all.  We've started filling the regular bathtub with water (for big sister) and then putting his bathtub inside that one (without water). Gabriela knows exactly how to make Easton laugh and giggle, so she distracts him while I wash and rinse him off.

Overall, he's a very happy little guy. He is really interested in his toys, and also the ladies.  The other day, Easton was twisting his head around like an owl trying watch some girls working at a store and flash them his charming gummy grin.  This guy.  Such a little sweetheart.

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