Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Beach Day with the Clowers

My brother Tim and his wife brought their three darling kiddos up from Hollister for the day so we could get in some extra visiting. What better way to spend time together than by taking a trip to the beach?  Here are the daddies, out in the water with their girls.  

Caeti trying to warm up after going in the water.
Easton teaching Wes how to play with his caterpillar toy.
Easton: See, like this!
Wes: Hmm, I'm not so sure you've got it right.

Caetlin eating Pirate Booty out of a hat

Sand Castle Building

Mina with four arms

The girls had so much fun chasing each other on the beach
Just look at these cousins having special time together. 
It's moments like these that remind me of exactly why we moved back home. 
Gabriela is going to grow up with so many memories of her cousins. They will be her best friends and well, what more could we ask for?
After beach time, we had the kids all hope into the bathtub.  That's right, 5 kids in the bath.  They had a blast.  Well, I'm not so sure about Weston, but all the other kids had fun.

After bath time, Kristie and I made dinner together while the girlies all played.  Mina played find-and-use-every-accessory-you-can-get-your-hands-on.  And here is the picture to prove it:
Behold, Princess Masquerade Mina on a warm sunny day at a luau with 6 purses, maybe more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was an awesome day. Thank you guys so much for sharing the awesome beach and yummy salmon dinner with us. And for hooking Wes & Caet with new clothes. My favorite part of the day was hanging with the boys in the shade at the beach. We can't wait to do it again.