Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Eight Months Old

What a month this has been.  Although, I am starting to feel like a broken record.  Every month, Easton seems to grow way more than he should be allowed.

Just as I predicted, Easton started showing signs of really crawling days after he turned 7 months old.  The next thing I knew, he was rocking on all fours all the time.  Then he started slowly scooting towards items of interest on the floor.  About two weeks after he started moving around with purpose, Easton started picking up speed with his cute little army crawl, and he is sometimes even crawling on all fours, with his tummy in the air.

See all that drool?  Easton is so close to cutting two more top teeth, and maybe even two more on the bottom, but they still haven't poked through yet.
Easton went to a birthday party this month. It was so sweet to see him interacting with kids his own age.  Normally, Easton just comes along for the ride with Gabriela and her friends.  I was glad to see him playing with his own friends this time, and it reminded me that we need to make time to do this more often.
Over the last month, Easton has been spitting and blowing little bubbles of frustration to show us when he is angry about something.

He still adores bath time, and I am finally able to lay him down after he falls asleep - and he actually stays that way for most of his naps!  As much as I love carrying him around in the carrier close to me, I sometimes need a break from having him strapped to me.

And just yesterday, this little guy toughed it out and actually fell asleep (and stayed) in his crib for two naps!! Oh, how I hope this keeps up.

Easton is not very interested in eating pureed foods anymore.  We have been feeding him table food, and it's amazing to see what he is willing to eat, and what he actually can feed himself without problems.  Easton is eating regular oatmeal, rice, and has even enjoyed foods like black beans, salmon, and barbequed chicken livers.  He can pick food up and feed himself, but uses a closed fist to put the food up to and into his mouth.  Although he hasn't mastered his pincher grasp yet, he is really starting to use his pointer finger to inspect toys, foods, and things he finds around on his crawling adventures.

Last week, after Easton finished eating I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up, doing the up sign.  Easton immediately stuck out his pointer finger and excitedly raised it up a few times.  I think he did his first sign!!  I was so proud of him.

Around the same time, Easton started crawling to things, and pulling himself up onto his knees.  I took all of the following photos in one day. The same day he started testing out this fancy new skill.

Never mind the bunny I knitted that doesn't have any ears. I never finished that part.  Anyway, this has resulted in Easton losing his balance and falling over, and also smushing his sweet little fingers.  Easton finds knobs completely irresistible. So he opens the drawers and then closes them onto his little fingers.  Poor baby.  Pretty soon, he will pull himself up to standing. Then the cruising will start. Oh, how did my baby get so big??
 Sweet, sweet baby boy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm totally getting all teary! I remember meet him for the first time. he was such a sweet tiny little thing. I loved having him all snuggly & sleepy in my arms. But you know what? Every time I see Easton my love for him doubles. (What's double infinity anyways?) Hugs & kisses to the whole Grover family.