Saturday, January 19, 2013

14 months old

Okay, so I got a little behind schedule this last month.

Easton is now 14 months old.  He has just a few new signs this month including where, tree, hot, and night-night. 

I told him that all I wanted for Christmas was for him to say Mama, and he finally does. At first I didn't believe he was actually talking about me, but now I know he is, and it's the sweetest thing ever!
Here he is, putting an ornament on the tree. He had so much fun taking them off and trying really hard to put the ornaments back on the tree. 

Every day, I am more and more thankful that he can use his signs to communicate with us. The other evening, much earlier than I usually put him to bed, Easton started doing the night-night sign and pointing to the bed. I nursed him in the bed and the little guy went right to sleep until the next day.

That's right, we haven't given up on the nursing yet. I used to nurse Easton all the time. The doctor said I should try to keep it to regular times (morning, night, and before rest times) because she thinks that his frequent nursing might be causing him to not feel hungry.  They are a little worried about how skinny he is, but Lane and I are his parents, so this is to be expected. 

Easton is getting to be very vocal about when something happens that he doesn't like. I used to know from his certain cry that Gabriela was doing something he didn't like (like picking him up) and that was dangerous for him. Now that cry basically means, "give me what you have and hand it over now!"

Easton loves music and markers, but I don't let him hold onto markers very much these days since he learned how to take the tops off of them. One of his favorite things to do lately is the dishes.  He will cry and fuss and try as hard as he can to get his step stool in front of the sink.  In effort to help him enjoy his dishes and me to actually be productive, I lay a towel down on the kitchen floor next to me and give Easton a nice sized bowl with some suds and a few extra dishes. He will happily play like that long enough for me to make a nice dent in the dish washing.  Easton also loves to help cook.  Any time we are near the stove he does his "hot" sign and says "Hot!!" This doesn't stop him from begging to have a turn with the wooden spoon with the pots and pans on said hot stove. I love that he has so much fun in the kitchen with me.

Easton is really enjoying one of his new Christmas presents - a kid sized dust broom and dust pan!  About once a day (one of the many times) while I am sweeping the floor, Easton will rush into the other room and come back excitedly carrying his cleaning tools and try to help me. He usually just makes a bigger mess, but he is so thrilled to help me.  

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